--Notes: Most of the code within this file is my own. I have used similar routines to those I found in the earlier code, but have used different variable/handler names. I took the "doSmackerVideo" handler directly from pre-existing code and made no significant changes. A major difference between this file and earlier files is my use of cast member names to define the global variable gWhere, which is also the Frame Label Name of the appropriate video playback frame when a button has been clicked. There are pop-up labels on the icon buttons which reside in channels 20 levels higher than their counterpart icon buttons. A "buttonClick" handler deals with sorting out whether or not the user has clicked on the icon button or it's associated label, carries out the button click routine and sends the playback head to the appropriate video playback frame label.
-- Components/Xtras: Smacker Xtra Version 3.0 by RAD Game Tools